Friday, March 14, 2014

Third Day of Pansy/Crazy Making

This is the day that separates the truly committed from the procrastinators of the world. Okay, so if I had not told everyone I know that I was going to do this mosaic for the auction I would have gladly put on my procrastinator hat which fits so well, since I have hardly touched my poor abandoned mermaid mosaic for months now.

 Let us get back to Pansy. Cutting and grinding glass to fit several unusual spaces is time consuming and difficult work  Glass on glass is tricky because if you slightly touch a piece of glass you just set in place it can move easily out of place. The glue is tricky to work with because it dries out quickly. So, I cut pieces and place them all around the mosaic, then I squeeze out some glue, butter the glass and place it, move onto the next, and finally give them 20 min. or more to set up, then start again. And when it is all done I feel really good. I lovingly hold my little mosaic, and am so proud of my little pansy that I forget how painful that last bit was.

I know to some of you reading this that you might think that it sounds a bit like child birth... I gave birth to two beautiful babies and that is the ultimate in artistic creation; nothing can compare. And do not even get me started on the I said nothing compares to it.

All that is left is the grouting after it sets up for a day. 

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