Sunday, July 21, 2013

I have been doing painted wood signs for home decor. I found these two unpainted wooden signs and immediately got all these fun ideas. Next came choosing paint, and then prepping the wood (both sides) for painting; that was time consuming and a tad messy. I am now over the painting phase, and  back into the world of mosaics.

This Welcome sign is painted copper with gold hi-lites, and has some gold bees glued on. I did finish it with a spray on sealant, but I believe it is still an indoor item.
My sunny Garden sign is painted in yellows in the ombre fashion with vines and flowers to connect it with the garden itself.

I am just finishing up a Beach Bungalow Bird House, and will be posting it by the end of the week. Done in mosaic, of course. I"ll tell you all about that journey when I have a finished product to show. Until then just go for it! Follow your inspiration and see where the journey takes you.

 Creating something changes the way you feel about yourself and your beliefs. I will be cutting a piece of glass to fit into this small unusually shaped space, and this magical cut happens and it fits on the first try. This can happen over and over, and I start to have this feeling of wonder come over me as if I am not alone, but some unique helper who loves to create is guiding my hands. Sometimes when I am able to make the vision in my head translate to the piece I am working on; emotions well up and I am crying softly and cutting and buttering; I am so happy. I am not saying that the mosaic is so damn good, but the way it makes me feel THAT is so damn good.

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