Saturday, September 6, 2008

Miss Me or Else!

I'm going on vacation to Pismo Beach, California. I'll be there a week. I'm in a watercolor class this semester, so I'll be painting pictures of the beach. A few people have requested that I send them postcards with a painting of the beach that is right down from the house I'm staying at. If they turn out at all interesting I'll take a picture and let everyone get a good laugh. So far, all that I have painted are balls, cylinders, flowers, and pears, so a painting of the entire beach how much harder could that be. Piece of cake. Speaking of cake I like white cake with lemon filling on one layer and raspberry on the second with vanilla frosting, yummy. What's your favorite

I'll tell you all about the vacation when I return and you'll have lots of pictures to wade through. BFN!

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