Friday, August 16, 2024

"Summertime" Update

 Here is where I left off with my mosaic that I have given the title "Summertime"to. As you can see, I had done some work, but whenever I looked at the four bare triangles at the sides I drew a blank on what to do. I was starting to question the decisions I was making on the center part and had to admit that it was time to stop.

 I threw out two other mosaics that I had started, was displeased with, and were not salvageable. I almost threw this mosaic out also. But something made me stop and just set it aside. After a bit of time, I found an Etsy store that sold these beautiful glass Cabochons. The Cabochons inspired me and I will use them to finish the mosaic. I just needed something new and unique to tie the blank triangles into the theme of the mosaic. I will be finishing the mosaic when I am ready. I can look at it now and see the way to go. 

I don't know how many of you have started something and messed up and then had to start again in another direction, but I think you will understand what I have gone through with my mosaics. I wanted so badly to create something beautiful and magical that I tried forcing uninspired ideas and failed. I was getting a second chance with this mosaic when I stumbled. I haven't had this much difficulty before. I was always blessed with inspirations, and enjoyed executing them. Now that I have another outlet for expressing myself artistically, I have found that the inspiration will come for my mosaic when it comes and in the meantime I can do something else. 

So, I guess what I have learned from these angst-filled times is that inspiration and magic cannot be forced. They are to be sought through the labyrinth of life seeking joy in the fulfillment of passion through art. Wait. Believe. Be Open to Receiving. 

I used to see the next mosaic that I wanted to create before I had finished the one I was working on, but not so (yet) with this one. We'll see...

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