Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ups and Downs

 I got into a conversation with a woman the other day, and she shared with me that she has been feeling a little down. She was unhappy with her job and I shared with her a positive action that I have taken that helped some. 

Later, when I was alone and could really think about what she was feeling, I realized that I did not validate how she was feeling. When there is something going on in my life that makes me feel sad, stuck, angry, or frustrated, I really sit with the feelings and ask the hard questions. How did I get here? I am responsible for my actions and decisions. I made choices and now I am reaping the consequences of those choices. Some will be positive and some will produce the negative feelings that I have mentioned.

It is time to look at the situation and evaluate. Let's use the feelings the woman shared about not liking her job as an example. There are questions she might want to ask herself, like:

 1.  What does the work look like that I would like to be doing everyday?

 2.  What would I need to do to get a job like that? 

 3.  What do I want to be doing in five (5) years career wise.?

 And if your current job is where you have to be for now. Ask these questions:

 1.  What do I need to do to enjoy my life more?

      a. Make time for a hobby; something that you enjoy.

      b. Validate your feelings. You have the right to feel this way. Then let it go. And if you cannot let it go and you feel overwhelmed then talk with someone that you trust and if you need to get professional help.

 2.  What can I do to change my attitude and not let these circumstance dictate my mood and how I view my life?

      a. This is challenging. Start each day making the choice to feel good about the day. Smile. Today is your day to make it a positive experience regardless of other people and outside circumstance. 

I have to admit that in the moment someone or something can catch me off guard and I have reacted with my emotions and not with my common sense, however; I take a breath and let the negative feelings pass. I realize that it was a reaction that is not healthy for me and believe that I will do better next time. Practice self-love, believe in yourself, and decide next time that you will make a better choice in the heat of the moment. 

These are just a few of my personal thoughts on the topic of feeling a little down and what I wished I had offered to talk about with this woman instead of just offering platitudes. I am sure you have had experiences that gave you insight on how you would talk to a person in this circumstance and I would love to have you share any thoughts that you have.

Friday, August 16, 2024

"Summertime" Update

 Here is where I left off with my mosaic that I have given the title "Summertime"to. As you can see, I had done some work, but whenever I looked at the four bare triangles at the sides I drew a blank on what to do. I was starting to question the decisions I was making on the center part and had to admit that it was time to stop.

 I threw out two other mosaics that I had started, was displeased with, and were not salvageable. I almost threw this mosaic out also. But something made me stop and just set it aside. After a bit of time, I found an Etsy store that sold these beautiful glass Cabochons. The Cabochons inspired me and I will use them to finish the mosaic. I just needed something new and unique to tie the blank triangles into the theme of the mosaic. I will be finishing the mosaic when I am ready. I can look at it now and see the way to go. 

I don't know how many of you have started something and messed up and then had to start again in another direction, but I think you will understand what I have gone through with my mosaics. I wanted so badly to create something beautiful and magical that I tried forcing uninspired ideas and failed. I was getting a second chance with this mosaic when I stumbled. I haven't had this much difficulty before. I was always blessed with inspirations, and enjoyed executing them. Now that I have another outlet for expressing myself artistically, I have found that the inspiration will come for my mosaic when it comes and in the meantime I can do something else. 

So, I guess what I have learned from these angst-filled times is that inspiration and magic cannot be forced. They are to be sought through the labyrinth of life seeking joy in the fulfillment of passion through art. Wait. Believe. Be Open to Receiving. 

I used to see the next mosaic that I wanted to create before I had finished the one I was working on, but not so (yet) with this one. We'll see...

Thursday, August 15, 2024

New Project Continued

 The fourth page is titled "Baby's Home"

The fifth and Sixth pages are titled "Woodland Fairies"

I have drawn trees before as a template for my mosaics but these were the first that I have drawn that were so stark and eerie looking. Fairies live and frolic in beautiful forests also (FYI).

I have been having a fun time with this book and still have many pages to fill.

New Project Continued

 Here is the second page which started the theme "Baby Fairies".

The third page continues with the theme "Baby Fairies".

A New Project

 Once again I lost interest in my current mosaic and realized that I needed a new avenue in Art to pursue.  I have started drawing and doing collage. My daughter gave me a journal with a fairy on the front. It inspired me to start creating pages filled with drawings, stickers, ephemera, and assorted items used in journals and mixed media projects. I have found a new outlet to express myself creatively. Here is the first page.