Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jack's Whale Mosaic

I sent Kali her mosaic with her initial in it for her birthday. Her brother, Jackson, wants one with his initial. So, I have just finished Jack's mosaic.
I made it with beads except for his initial which is a charm. This picture frame is a miniature 3 1/2" x 2 1/2". I have the most adorable grand kids in the world (yes, I know every grandmother says this, but in this case it's true). I will be creating mosaics with glass & grout for them with their names in them to give them when their father feel they are old enough to be careful and not cut their fingers on the glass. The names will be worked into the mosaics in some interesting way, but I haven't gotten that far into their creation since there are other mosaics waiting to be made first.

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