Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Hawaiian Plumeria

Here is a finished mosaic...Finally! I got stuck with the other Hawaiian Plumeria mosaic and decided to put it aside for awhile. Working and college just overwhelmed me, and my art suffered. Now my imagination is back, and I am working on another mosaic. It is pure fantasy and something I have never tried before.

I like to create pieces that stretch my abilities to express my ideas. The mosaic at right was created for a particular person, and to break my stalemate. The next piece is pure whimsy. I love doing both, actually.

In my work and college life I push myself to excel, but in my art I just let go and drop all expectations, and hope for magic. The fact the in the year 2000 I was merely dreaming of mosaics, and now I am creating mosaics speaks to my belief in the delightful surprises that await us all when we follow our dreams and hope. Jump in, get your hands dirty, deny that failure exists, only experience can help you evolve. Some people are gifted and others, like me, have to search for a way to learn and grow in a chosen way to express ourselves.

People talk about journeys and destinations. In art creating each piece of art is a journey, and the end result is the destination. With the next piece it starts all over again, and with each journey there is value as an artist, and with the completion is the validation that comes with completing that mini journey which leads to the next. By not completing the first Plumeria mosaic, I did upset the journey/destination scenario, but that is a real part of life: starting a journey, losing your way, taking stock of the situation, and making choices to stay on course, take a time out, or take a new path with the hope to return when you can.

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